VA Disability Appeals

Have you or someone you love been wrongly denied VA disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs? While no person can legally charge you to help you file for disability benefits, you can and should hire a lawyer to help you appeal any benefits you are owed due to your service to this country. Mr. Tolin’s military trial skills plus his own experience going through the claims process can be to your benefit.

Put His Trial Skills to Help

Mr. Tolin’s fire-sharpened trial skills can help you fight for your benefits. While disability appeals are not full-blown trials in front of a jury or panel of members, having an attorney with trial skills that can put together convincing packages of evidence and make convincing arguments is what you want.

Don’t Pay Unless You Win

For VA disability appeals specifically, you don’t pay unless you win with Veritas Military Law. While fee structures can be setup in various ways, Veritas Military Law uses a contingency fee. However, Mr. Tolin recognizes the importance of these benefits you should’ve received to start with, so you won’t pay a large contingencey-fee percentage with Veritas Military Law. Instead, Mr. Tolin only charges 20% of the backpay you earn on appeal, and he charges nothing for future benefits.